You can add the following types of questions to a form.

Question Type




Users can enter a short answer.


Users can enter a date.


Users can enter an email address.


Users can enter a number.

Paragraph Text

Users can enter a long answer.

Multiple Choice

Users can click an option to select it. Users can only select a single option.


Users can click one or more options to select them.


Users can select an option from a combobox or type an answer. Users can only select a single option from the combobox.

Combobox (multiple)

Users can select one or more options from a combobox or type an answer.

Choose from a List

Users can select an option from a dropdown list. Users can only select a single option.

Choose from a List (multiple)

Users can select one or more options from a dropdown list.

Entity List

Users can select a Blue Relay user or group.

Entity List (multiple)

Users can select one or more Blue Relay users or groups.


Users can select a file from existing Blue Relay files or upload a new file.


Users can select a color from a color picker.


Users can enter general comments about the document.

Submit Button

Users can click the Submit button to submit the completed form. Forms should always have a Submit button unless you are just using the form to display information to users.