Administrators can assign backup users for Blue Relay users. If a user is unable to claim a task (for example, if the user is on vacation), one of their backup users can claim the task (if the backup user has access to the task).
Note Two users can’t be backups for each other. For example, if John Smith is a backup for Ted Jones, then Ted Jones can’t be a backup for John Smith.
Click your profile icon to access Settings. On the Settings page, click User Management, then click Users.
To add a backup for a user:
- Select a user in the Users list (for example, John Smith).
- Click + in the Backups area.
- Select a user (for example, Nancy Brown). To find a user, enter their name in the Filter box. As you start typing, a list of matching users appears that you can select from.
- Click Add Backup. Nancy Brown is now a backup for John Smith.
To make a user a backup for another user:
- Select a user in the Users list (for example, John Smith).
- Click + in the Backup For area.
- Select a user (for example, Susan Anderson). To find a user, enter their name in the Filter box. As you start typing, a list of matching users appears that you can select from.
- Click Add as Backup For. John Smith is now a backup for Susan Anderson.
To remove a backup user:
In the Backups or Backup For area, hover over a user and click X. Click Yes to confirm.