Files inherit tags and attributes from the folder they belong to. This allows you to see the folder’s tags and attributes when you’re viewing a file.

Note  Inherited tags and attributes are not used anywhere else in Blue Relay. For example, let’s say the tag “Contracts” has been added to a folder and has been inherited by the files in the folder. If you search for the tag “Contracts”, the search results will only include the folder. The files that inherited the tag will not be included.

You can’t delete a file’s inherited tags or attributes. If you try to delete them, they will reappear the next time you view the file or folder. Inherited tags and attributes are automatically removed from a file in the following situations:

  • If you add a tag directly to a file, the file’s inherited tags are removed. If you add an attribute directly to a file, the file’s inherited attributes are removed.

  • If you edit an inherited attribute, the attribute is no longer considered to be inherited and is attached directly to the file. All other inherited attributes are removed from the file.

If you delete all of the tags or attributes that have been added directly to a file, the file’s inherited tags or attributes will be shown again.