Complete the Workflow Tasks
Modified on: Tue, 14 Feb, 2023 at 1:45 PM
A task can involve activities such as reviewing a document, completing a form, or assigning a status.
If a workflow task includes filling out a form, the form name and questions are shown in the Forms panel.
Use the Forms panel to complete the form.
To view required questions only, click
, then click Required Only.
To view incomplete questions only, click
, then click Incomplete Only.
When you’re done answering questions, click Submit. If the tasks includes options for you to choose from, the options are shown when you click Submit. Select an option to submit the form.
When you’ve finished with a task, you must complete the task in order to move to the next task in the workflow.
To complete a task:
If the task includes a form, the task may be completed when you submit the form.
If the task includes options for you to choose from, an Options button is shown. To complete the task, click Options, then select an option.
If the task does not include options, a Complete button is shown. To complete the task, click Complete.
When you complete a task, the next task is shown in the Workflows panel. Continue completing the tasks in the Workflows panel until the workflow is complete.
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