
Depending on your installation, docker may already be installed. If docker is not installed, please follow the below steps to install it. The steps are derived from the official Docker site for installing docker on Ubuntu via the apt repository. 

  • Uninstall all conflicting packages 

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  • Set up Docker's apt repository. Copy and paste the information below into a script file, make it executable (via chmod u+x script.sh) and execute to add Docker’s apt repository to the server. 

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  • Install the latest Docker packages 

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  • Restart the Docker service 

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  • Follow the section below to allow the Blue Relay service to run docker  

Allow the Blue Relay service to run Docker 

On *nix systems, since the Blue Relay application is not running as root, it’s necessary to ensure the Blue Relay service can use the docker service. Please execute the following commands to add the “bluerelay” user to the existing docker group. 

To ensure the Blue Relay service can use the docker service, please execute the following commands to add the “bluerelay” user to the existing docker group. Note: “bluerelay” can be substituted for any other non-root user account on the system required to run docker. Also note, executing the command “reboot” will result in some system downtime. Please ensure that the BlueRelay-tomcat and httpd-bluerelay services have started again once the system is back up and running.

$ sudo groupadd docker 

$ sudo usermod -aG docker bluerelay 

$ sudo reboot