Clicking the triple dot dropdown menu causes more options appear. These options may be more or less depending on the specific user's granted permissions.
- Create new dashboard:
- Opens a modal to create a new dashboard. The dashboard will be unpublished.
- Set as my default dashboard:
- Sets the currently selected dashboard as the default dashboard on login for the user.
- Clone dashboard:
- Clones the current dashboard; the cloned dashboard is unpublished
- Remove this dashboard from my profile:
- Removes published dashboard from current user's profile. This action can be reversed by resetting all dashboards to default.
- Delete dashboard:
- Deletes unpublished dashboard. This is permanent.
- Rename Dashboard:
- Renames the dashboard. The dashboard becomes unpublished if it was previously published. This action can be reversed by resetting all dashboards to default.
- Reset all my dashboards:
- Resets all dashboards to the company's default or to the current user's backup dashboard.
- Set default company dashboard:
- Only users with the modify company action permission can perform this action.
- Sets the current dashboard as the default dashboard for all users in the company
- Publish dashboard:
- Only users with the modify company action permission can perform this action.
- Publish an unpublished dashboard, or publish changes to previously published dashboard