Available System Configurations
The following table lists the configuration properties that can be used.
Variable | Description |
application.compare_threads | Defines the number of supported compare threads. Default 1 |
application.compare_timeout | Defines the compare timeout length in seconds. Default 300 |
application.download_timeout | Defines the timeout length in seconds, for how long the system allows a download can occur for file views or items. Default 300 |
application.name | Defines the application name. Default Blue Relay |
application.remote_compare | Defines the toggle of using a remote compare server. Default off |
application.remote_compare_url | Defines the remote compare url, if remote_compare is on. |
application.remote_url | Defines the remote URL of a secondary Blue Relay instance for use with conversion. |
compare.legacy_mode | Defines whether compare jobs use legacy text extractor. Default on |
compare.pdfalto_docker_image | Defines which pdfalto docker image to leverage for the Ares text extractor |
application.support | Defines the support mailbox. Default [email protected] |
application.url | Defines the application URL which is used to access the application. |
application.version | Defines and overrides the application base version. |
archive.age | Defines the archive age at which files and folders should be archived in days. |
archive.interval | Defines the archive interval of how often to run the auto-archive process in days. |
archive.purge | Defines the age at which files and folders should be completely purged from the system in days. |
authenticator._type | Defines the type of authenticator to use. Defaults to BlueRelayAuthenticator. Acceptable values: [BlueRelayAuthenticator, LdapAuthenticator, SamlAuthenticator] |
authenticator.server | Used with LdapAuthenticator. Defines the LDAP server. |
authenticator.principal | Used with LdapAuthenticator. Defines the distinguished name (DN) of the user to connect to the LDAP server. |
authenticator.credentials | Used with LdapAuthenticator. Defines the password for the principal. |
authenticator.property | Used with LdapAuthenticator. Defines the property used to provide unique user traits, such as email. |
authenticator.search | Used with LdapAuthenticator. Defines an optional group, such as organizational unit (OU) to search for all users within. |
authenticator.saml_idp_labels | Used with SamlAuthenticator. Defines a comma separated list of labels to use to connect to the IDP. |
authenticator.saml_idp_entityIds | Used with SamlAuthenticator. Defines a comma separated list of Entity IDs of IDPs to connect to. |
authenticator.server_name | Used with SamlAuthenticator. Defines the server name. |
authenticator.saml_entity_id | Used with SamlAuthenticator. Defines the Entity ID to be used as a SAML SP. |
authenticator.saml_idp_metadata | Used with SamlAuthenticator. Defines the path to the SAML IDP metadata file. |
authenticator.saml_idp_url | Used with SamlAuthenticator. Defines the URL to the SAML IDP. |
converters.office | Defines the full path the the conversion binary. |
directories.data | Defines the data directory to store files. |
directories.install | Defines the install directory for the application. |
directories.logs | Defines the log output directory for the application server. |
files.downloadWithVersion | Defines a toggle of whether to append the version information to all file downloads. Default false. Acceptable values: [true, false]
files.versionFilename | Defines a toggle of whether to keep original filenames on new version or to always use the latest filename. Default first. Acceptable values: [first, latest] |
format.spreadsheet | Defines the format to use with all spreadsheet materials, such as reports. Default CSV. Acceptable values: [CSV, XLSX, XLS] |
integrations.webdav | Defines a toggle of whether WebDAV is enabled. An additional licence may be required. |
integrations.websockets | Defines a toggle of whether Websockets are enabled to manage server initiated communication with users. |
issues.categoriesDataSetName | Defines the name of the data set to be used as categories for issue creation. |
Issues.removeCompleteOption | Defines a toggle of whether to remove the complete option on issues. |
listeners.polling | Defines a toggle of whether native hooks or polling is used on file ingestion. |
milton.inactiveInterval | Defines the inactivity timeout associated with WebDAV connections. |
smtp.auth | Defines the toggle of whether the mail server requires authetication. |
smtp.from | Defines the from address for the mail server. |
smtp.host | Defines the host name for the mail server. |
smtp.password | Defines the password for the mail server. |
smtp.port | Defines the port for the mail server. |
smtp.username | Defines the username for the mail server. |
solr.files | Defines a toggle of whether to index file contents. |
solr.server | Defines the URL to access the search service. |
storage.amazon_access_key | Defines the S3 access key to store file content. |
storage.amazon_bucket | Defines the S3 bucker name to store file content. |
storage.amazon_secret_key | Defines the S3 secret key to store file content. |
storage.encryption | Defines the toggle to enable encryption at rest for file content. |
storage.google_drive_secret_file | Defines the Google Drive secret file location. |
storage.google_picker_apiKey | Defines the Google Drive api key. |
storage.google_picker_clientId | Defines the Google Drive client ID. |
storage.sharepoint_library_name | Defines the SharePoint 365 library name. |
time.business_end | Defines the start of business hours to be used in task duraction, such as “3 business hours”. Supports 0-23 |
time.business_start | Defines the end of business hours. Supports 0-23 |
dlp_protection.restrictDownload | Defines restricting download files from the system. Default off. |
dlp_protection.adminShareOnly | Defines restricting file sharing for admins only. Default off. |
dlp_protection.restrictPrint | Defines restricting file printing for all users. Default off. |